
Build of Another Cancelled and Unreleased N64 Game Recently Discovered

Well, this one is a big one. I don't know where I first heard about this game [I have a pretty good idea- check out the link at the bottom of the page]. I have several distinct memories over the last few years of hoping and dreaming that this game might one day show up. After several years of patience, general dedication and luck, today that dream has come true!

Thank you to Tony and Hard4Games for making an awesome video showcasing the game.

Want to also give a very big thank you to the important member of the development team who made finding and preserving this game possible. It is unfortunate that we didn't get to enjoy the fruits of your labor back then, but we are very grateful to get a peek at it now!

Here are some of the developer notes shared about the final progress before production was halted:

7-21-00 Build Notes

New in Build:
* Full implementation of collision with all weapons and Cenzo
* Full interaction between Cenzo and Token Takers
* Enemy AI and Placement.
* Race Weapons (Rocket and Lock On Rocket)
* Load and Save (Graphically not implemented)
* Rumble Pak
* Proper positioning between Tents, Midways, and Rides.

Remaining Carnivalé tasks:
* Tents Functionally Complete (Duck Shoot, Load & Save)
* All Race weapons and power-ups (Cherry bomb, Rockets, Porta-holes, shield, etc…)
* Car Physics (5 Vehicles) Tweak
* Race Logic (# Laps, Place, Start Logic, Etc…)
* Midway Enemies (Logic)
* Level By Level Placement And Tweaking
* Missing Interstitials (Save Kids, New Adventure, Ending, etc…)
* Demo Mode
* Fog
* Code Compression (ROM currently is in the 25MB range)
* Race Boss characters

There isn't much more I can say about this game that hasn't already been researched deeper than I can go, so there is no better place to read about it than Even the member of the development team where I ultimately obtained this build referenced a page on their site!

If you have or know more, please share it with us!